The Foundation was created in January 2012 by the Credit Union of Colorado to promote community development by providing financial and volunteer support in the areas of education and human services. The foundation reflects the organization’s long history of philanthropic commitment to its members and the communities where they reside.
“Our board of directors established this foundation to honor the legacy of service that began with the people who founded our credit union in 1934,” said Terry Leis, president and CEO of Credit Union of Colorado. “We believe our foundation will build upon a legacy of making our communities a better place to live.”
The Credit Union accepts donations on behalf of the Foundation. Anyone who resides in the United States of America and its territories or any business that has their principal place of business located in the United States of America and its territories can become a member of the Foundation for a minimum donation of $10. Foundation members are also eligible to become members of the credit union.
The Foundation is located at 8959 E. 40th Ave. in Denver, Colorado 80238. It is a volunteer run organization currently made up of six board directors. The board directors are as follows:
Phil Smith – Board Chair
Brian Winkelbauer – Vice-Chair
Ale Montes – Secretary/Treasurer
Mitch Rosenbaum
Russ VanNostrand
Will Fleckenstein
Stephan Schweissing
The board meets on a quarterly basis to conduct Foundation business. Day to day operations of the Foundation are carried out by Credit Union employees. The Credit Union has agreed to provide this help until the Foundation has enough scale to hire and maintain an employee base.